
Corn is an important food for your diet as it is rich in vitamin B and C. It has folic acid, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium and has fiber. Its high level of carbohydrates and proteins makes it an indispensable element to bring energy and benefits to our health.

Here are twelve benefits corn brings to your health:

It can prevent colon cancer by containing a large amount of folic acid.

She's healthy for pregnancy. Corn is home to high levels of vitamin B, which reduces the risk of babies rising from defects in the brain and spinal cord. This is why it is ideal for pregnant women. In fact, since 1996, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has called for some cereals, such as corn, to be enriched with folic acid-which is within the 'family' of vitamin B.

Reduces your risk of a heart attack. As we said, the vitamin B1 contained in maize decreases homocysteine and therefore also reduces the risk of cardiovascular attack. But it is important to note that antioxidants, very noticeable in maize, prevent fats from rusting. Precisely, this oxidation is harmful to blood vessels and antioxidants prevent it.

Lower your risk of a stroke. For the same reason as we explained in point 3: vitamin B1 reduces the level of homocysteine.

It can defend you from Alzheimer's as corn has more antioxidants than any other cereal. Antioxidants protect our body from free radicals and for this reason could help prevent this degenerative disease. This cereal is also high in vitamin B.

It's healthy to keep your cognitive skills so rich it is in antioxidants.

It fights stress because pantothenic acid promotes the function of the adrenal glands.

It has few calories. Half a cup of corn (about 60 grams) contains about 86 calories. It is better to eat this cereal without butter, ketchup or species.

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