
Moringa oleifera is a tree that originates in India. It can reach up to 10 meters high and is very leafy. It is currently grown in Asia, America, Africa and even Europe.

Moringa is known and used for being at a very complete nutritional level and being able to be used for many natural remedies to maintain and recover health. For medicinal and nutritional purposes literally the whole tree is used: Its leaves, fruits, seeds and even roots and bark can be used. Already in Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) it was indicated that moringa was used as a natural remedy for more than 300 diseases.

Moringa is known for its medicinal properties and for the wide variety of therapeutic and nutritional uses given to this plant. Find out which parts of this tree are used and how they are consumed. We even encourage you to know how to grow moringa so you have access to the benefits of this wonderful tree.

Nutritional properties of Moringa and benefits of its consumption

Among the nutrients of moringa we can highlight: Its leaves are rich in Vitamin C, it has Vitamin A, Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Vitamin E, Vitamin K, minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, Tryptophan and zinc.
Moringa is used in traditional medicine for cases of: asthma, hepatitis, epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease, cough, hypertension, arthritis, jaundice, kidney diseases, anemia, malnutrition, bronchitis, skin diseases, tuberculosis, eye problems, menopause symptoms. In addition moringa has anti-inflammatory action, antibiotic effect and delays aging..

With all these health benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are encouraged to take the step of growing Moringa.

Source: ecoagricultor

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