

20 min






  • 1 pack of Chicharrón-shaped Protein Mix

For the dough

  • 4 green bananas
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Get out to taste

For the Filling

  • 1 pack of Protein Mix in the form of Chicharrón Cordon Green
  • 1 pearl onion, finely chopped
  • Oil
  • Finely chopped parsley

To accompany chili


For the dough:

  1. Peel the 4 greens and cook 3 of them for 30 minutes, crush them when soft.
  2. The remaining green grate it and add it to the previous dough.
  3. Place margarine and salt, mix until everything is incorporated.

For filling:

  1. Open the Chicharrón Cordon Green-shaped Protein Mix pack, in a pan or iron, brown it for 5 minutes without oil, add the onion, and parsley, mix everything until incorporated.
  2. On a film paper and with the help of a roller, expand the green dough, place the filling and with the plastic close the empanadas. (It’s easier to use a mold to make empanadas)
  3. Fry them in plenty of oil.

Ready, you can enjoy with your family a delicious dish and easy to make at home.

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