
Wheat (Triticum spp) is both the plant and the edible grain belonging to the grass family, divided between wild and cultivated.

There are many health-related benefits and properties of wheat, but we need to keep in mind that to take advantage of all those benefits it is advisable to consume whole wheat.

We have to get used to using the products derived from wheat (bread, pastas, biscuits, muffins, etc.) that have been made with wholemeal flour because it is the best way to take advantage of all the nutrients of this cereal.

Diabetes: The high fiber content of whole wheat and its slow-absorbing carbohydrates keep blood glucose levels low.

Regulation of intestinal transit: whole wheat fiber regulates intestinal transit coming very well for constipated people

Prevention of breast cancer: whole wheat contains a large amount of phytosterols that trap excess estrogen that we take in the diet and that can promote the development of hormone-dependent tumors. In addition, vitamin E that contains wheat germ and is found in whole wheat and selenium intake has a great antioxidant effect protecting cells from oxidation damage that can trigger tumor processes. It is highly recommended to introduce whole wheat into menopausal women with hormone replacement therapy.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease: fiber content and phytosterols help keep blood cholesterol levels low by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol from the diet and trapping bile salts involved in digestion and eliminating them with faeces. In addition, vitamin E and selenium prevent oxidation of atheroma plaques preventing the arteries from clogging.

Strengthens hair and nails: for their contribution in B vitamins, zinc and azufrated amino acids

Immune system regulator: minerals such as zinc and selenium stimulate the immune system.

Source: In good hands

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