Mar 3, 2021 | Cordon Green Breakfasts, Recipes
} Tiempo: 15 min Personas: 4 Dificultad: Fácil Ingredients: 1 pack vegetable protein mix 6 green bananas 100g Butter 250g Cheese 1 cup Oil Salt and pepper Preparation: Peel the green bananas and cut them into pieces, Fry them in a pot of oil for...
Mar 3, 2021 | Cordon Green Breakfasts, Recipes
} Tiempo: 30 min Personas: 4 Dificultad: Media Ingredients: 1 Pack of chorizos 8 cholas potatoes 100g margarine 250g mozzarella cheese 250g chédar cheese Oregano Pepper Salt For the mushroom sauce 250g fresh and chopped mushrooms 1 cup almond...