
Amaranto, also known as huautli, is a pseudocereal with high nutritional value that possesses extraordinary health properties and benefits.

I wanted to bring you this pseudocereal so that you know the most important thing about amaranth: its nutritional value, benefits and most remarkable properties and how to use amaranth in the kitchen: cooking recipes with amaranth.

Unlike cereals such as spelt, kamut wheat and barley, without gluten is fully suitable for celiacs or people who want to eliminate or reduce the consumption of gluten foods.

Amaranth, like quinoa or quinoa and buckwheat or buckwheat, is a gluten-free food with an excellent nutrient content, therefore it is beneficial to take care of us during all stages of our lives.

Amaranth has been cultivated in America for thousands of years. Incas, Aztecs and Maya cultivated it and consumed it as the basis of their diet, even the latter considered it a sacred plant.

The amaranth plant is quite tall, has very colorful and colorful flowers and its leaves are broad and large. Both seeds and leaves are used from amaranth.

What nutrients does amaranth have?

The nutritional value of amaranth is quite interesting. For every 100 grams of amaranth we are getting:

65 grams of carbohydrates
14 grams of complete plant protein and good biological value (with 9 essential amino acids) 7
grams of fat (including saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated)
7 grams of fiber I
t has vitamins choline, betaine, C, E, B5, B3, B6, B1, carotenes (vitamin A), folates or folic acid (B9), lutein and zeaxanthin.
Amaranth is a source of minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium.
For every 100 grams amaranth seeds provide 370 kaloria.

Amaranth, nutritional and medicinal properties

The leaves contain Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, and fiber that helps prevent constipation and diseases of the large intestine. They are an excellent source of antioxidants.

Amaranth seed has a higher concentration of plant proteins than cereal seeds, as it has 9 essential amino acids.
They are also rich in beneficial fats and substances with great anticancer power (such as beta-sitosterol, squalene and lunasin).

Amaranth can be a food recommended in diets to lose weight due to its content of fiber, protein and beneficial fats that keep us satiated longer. Important for people who want to lose weight.
Both leaves and grains have diuretic effect.

Amaranth is a natural remedy to help regulate hypertension
Phytosterols protect against cardiovascular disease.
These seeds regulate blood sugar levels thanks to their fiber content.

They contain folic acid or B9, a vittamine whose consumption should be increased during pregnancy and lactation to prevent problems in the baby’s development.

It is an effective remedy against dia
rrhea Improves digestions, in fact, these seeds are very useful for people with stomach and digestive problems.

Amaranth is rich in choline, a B vitamin whose deficiency is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as cancer, cognitive type and the central nervous system. In addition this vitamin has anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective action, that is, it helps to keep our liver healthy.

It helps prevent eye ailments due to composnets such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

Amaranth seeds are a healthy source of energy.

Source: ecoagricultor

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